Sunday, September 12, 2010

Spring Nature Table

Aishlyn was excited to transform our Winter table to Spring.  She is so careful about what she wants on it and where everything should go.
I just love watching her put the seasonal table together, it is like watching a journey through her eight years of life.  She adds treasures that she has collected over the years and they all have their own place, meaning and importance. 

Mother Earth is there to take care of all the creatures and plants. I made her for Aishlyn when she was two.

The kittens which Santa gave her two years ago, play near the woollen stream about to rush across the clay bridge that Aishlyn made in class one.
The tiny doll she received in a Kinder lucky dip when she was four, is fishing in the boat made by her friend Hannah and given to Aishlyn for her 8th birthday.
Our ever growing family of rabbits is there watching the goings on.
The Root children sleep and wait to blossom into Flower children.
These two newcomers were given as a birthday gift to me today from my dear friend Rowena, hopefully Aishlyn approves of their addition to our Seasonal table. 


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